Is Your Business Ready for Black Friday?

Start Social Warm Up NOW!
Actually, you should have started weeks ago and if you are participating in our Black Friday Challenge in The Friend Zone, you have been. If the only time people hear from you is when you want to sell them something, well that's icky.
Ideas for Promoting your company's sales:
-Consider a Bounce Back Sale. Tell them for every $x amount they spend, they get $x credit with you to spend in January-Contact previous hostesses and get them excited about the sales your company has coming up. See if they want to host a party in conjunction; maybe it could be Christmas Movie themed?
-Do a fundraiser. Offer to donate a portion of all sales (dropped into a party, of course) to a charity you support.
-Gift with Purchase. Offer a small gift that you mail to them with every purchase over a certain amount.
Ideas for offering specials from your own stock
-Offer your former hostesses or best customers first shot at your bundles. Make it exclusive.-Offer gift certificates. Create and print gift certificates that people (husbands maybe) can buy and use as a gift. Perhaps offer a small gift for the buyer.
-Have a special for people who come to your house and "Shop Your Stash". People are more likely to spend more if they can see/try/smell it.
-Email only sales. Get them on your email list so you can stay connected with them all year.
-Consider partnering with another direct seller and putting together bundles and they you both promo them to your customers.
-Do a Live Sale. Stephanie Steinke did a fantastic FB Live in the Friend Zone about how to run Facebook Live sales in your group! My biggest take away was to do TRIVIA question to get people commenting!
-You can also consider doing a Deal An Hour sale where you drop a new bundle or offer each hour.
Whatever you do, keep it warm and friendly
-Before you post something, read it and ask yourself "Does this sound like a commercial? If it does, just don't do it.-You want to stress the value of YOU
-Remember, don't focus on the product, focus on the pain point that product solves