What Can Blues Clues Teach Us About Social Media?

Did your kids love Blues Clues?
I don't have any kids and I'm usually fairly unknowledgeable about kids shows, but even I know who Steve, and then later Joe, and Blue are.
"But Wendy, what does that have to do with my direct sales business?"
Let me tell you 5 things you can learn from Blues Clues to help you in your business.
1. Listen! Steve doesn't just talk to the kids, he stops and listens as well, and then responds. Are you listening? Remember it's called SOCIAL media, not broadcast media.
2. Know your target market. Steve and Blue aren't trying to appeal to all kids, just a certain age group, they know who they are talking to and give them content they like. "Everyone" is not your target market.
3. Bring people into your world. Kids participated in Steve's daily routines and met his friends like Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper and Side Table Drawer. Show people who you really are and let them have a sneak peek, let them see how your business works in your life.
4. Lead people to the answer. As the show goes along, Steve and Blue move from one set to the next, jumping through magical doorways, helping the audience unlock the puzzle. In between he plays a series of games that relate to the overall puzzle. Have you heard me talk about Content Arcs? Blues Clues is the ultimate content arc!
5. Break the stereotypes. Did you know that the dog, Blue, is a girl? Blues Clues broke the stereotypes of blue is for boys and pink is for girls. Just because something has always been a certain way, doesn't mean that is the way you have to do it!
It's no mystery why Blues Clues was so popular with preschoolers....so take a clue from Steve and Blue!